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Write Legal SAQs, Not Just FAQs, on Your Web Site

In a previous article, I talked about how powerful the FAQ (Frequently Asked Question) can be for your law firm’s web site. Your prospective clients type these questions into Google and, hopefully, they find the answer on your site! But those are the questions they are asking, but we all know that there are other questions they should be asking.

What is an SAQ?

This is a topic my buddy Dave Frees talks about quite a bit. Your potential clients have questions that occur to them as lay people. These are the issues as they understand them to be in relation to their case. But you, as the lawyer, know there are other questions they should be asking but aren’t. These are the Should Ask Questions (SAQs). Since they don’t know to ask them, you need to raise them and answer for them.

Making a List of SAQs

Time to go through that initial list again. Think about the question and your answer and think about whether there’s another, less obvious to the layman but obvious question to you, and put them on a separate list of SAQs. These can be used to leverage other content.

Here’s an example of what I mean. I handle matters in New Jersey traffic court, which also hears minor criminal charges, what other states call “misdemeanors” (we call them Disorderly Persons and Petty Disorderly Persons offenses – don’t ask). As a result, I have an FAQ on my site called “What are the penalties for a NJ shoplifting charge?” Certainly someone charged with that would type that question into Google, and I stand ready with the answer.

But what if the potential client is a public employee? If they are convicted of shoplifting, they could lose their job! They probably don’t know this, though, so they won’t think to ask about it, but they should. So I have an SAQ on “Can I lose my public job if I am convicted of shoplifting?” This makes the potential client more aware of the bigger problem (and more likely to hire the person who pointed it out). Put this question, with a link to the page, in a list of SAQs at the end of the content.

Need Help with Your Content?

I have written hundreds of pages of content for my law firm’s web site over the past 10+ years! I know how hard it can be to come up with good ideas and writing them in such a way as to convert my web site’s visitors to clients. If you’re stuck, I can help you too!

Just give me a call at 856-345-9699 for a free, no obligation consult to see if I can help.

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Steven J. Richardson

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