Be One of the Vital Few!
A colleague of mine and fellow business coach Tyson Franklin recently talked on his Podiatry Legends Podcast about the Trivial Many and the Vital Few. I thought this was a great way to describe the difference between professional practices that are successful and those that are not. His description of the two groups says it all.
The Vital Few make up about 20% of your profession and are those that
- Earn more
- Have businesses that look professional
- Contribute to the profession
- Are invited to speak
- Everyone knows their name
- Everyone wants to connect with them on social media
- They have consistent marketing strategies
- Their websites are alive and constantly changing
- They are sadly missed when they retire
We all want to be in that group, don’t we? But how do we know if we qualify? How many of those statements apply to us? Perhaps we should look at what makes up the Trivial Many and see if anything resonates there. These are professionals who:
- Earn far less, and complain about it
- Have very average practices
- Will be responsible for 80% of complaints to professional boards
- Are never invited to speak
- No one knows their name
- Have an uninspiring social media presence
- Have an out of date, tired-looking website
- Have no marketing strategy, and complain about everyone else’s
- Will not be missed when they retire
Take a moment to look at these two lists and see how you measure up. How many of the ones on the second list do you need to uncheck (and how many of them have you checked on the first one)? What do you need to do to move fully into the Vital Few group?
Not sure how to approach the task? Need help with any of it? I provide the professional coaching and training necessary to make you Vital and not Trivial! Give me a call at 856-345-9699 or shoot me an e-mail to schedule a call to see if I can help!
You can also listen to Tyson’s full discussion of the topic here.